

Collage, Feminism, Dada, Composition


Print, Photoshop, Projected Type, Photo Scanner




These two posters use collage-like imagery and typography to convey a message. They work together to explore the theme of feminism with a focus on societal roles.

The compositions visualize the juxtaposition between what a woman wants to be and what society expects her to be. Each poster is one side of the same coin: one side seeks freedom and independence, and the other side demands blind obedience and subjugation.


Making these posters was a process. While gathering my assets, I explored different ways to produce type: I made scanned type, projected type, and cut-outs of type. The varied type in my design allowed me to add texture while still being able to convey my message. I also procured antiquated imagery to reflect the outdated beliefs society forces onto women.

It was a challenge to make my text and collage imagery look like they belong together, but I was able to achieve a cohesive aesthetic by combining the assets in a collage-like manner. I also paid close attention to mirroring elements in my design which helped connect the posters. 


Although challenging at times, this project was a great opportunity for me to explore type as texture and symbolism in design. It also helped me sharpen my skills in connecting separate pieces together through cohesive design.

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