Harris House

E.T. Phone HLK



Brand Design, Braned Mockups, Web Design


Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Figma



When I worked at HLK with seven other interns, we rebranded Harris House, a rehab facility. My copywriter, Catherine Butler, and I were the only creatives on said team. My main goal during this project was to make Harris House stand out against its competition and emphasize the brand’s new “Reconnection through recovery” tagline. 


Harris House’s main request was to make its brand more consistent. I selected a shade of blue that stood out from the rest of the “blue” competitors. I also made the bold decision to have the secondary color be jade green because every other brand used warm tones. I intentionally used the green sparingly to highlight text and illustrate a metaphorical “path of recovery and reconnection.”


Designing Harris House’s brand was a great experience and a worthy challenge. This was my first time making brand guidelines, so I learned a ton about making it “dummy proof,” detailed, and easy to digest.

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