Restorative Death

Rachel Kuehnel
10-04-2022  ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎

Experience Design, Immersive Spaces, Projection Mapping

After Effects, Makey-Makey, Projector, Handmade Installation


Restorative Death is an exploration of the environmentally damaging aspects of death. My partner Rachel Kuehnal and I focused on mycelium and how it could forge a sustainable alternative for the death industry.


Restorative Death is an installation that combines both physical and digital spaces. The coffin shown in the video was crafted and wired by Rachel, and the video presentation was designed by myself. We experimented with different types of projects and layouts, and I ensured the projector and video dimensions lined up.


This was a very fun project to work on, and it was great practice working with a partner. We adapted to each other's communication style (such as drawing pictures instead of explaining), we critiqued each other, and we ensured the work was evenly distributed.

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